Thursday 22 January 2015

When will this be over - poem by my 13 yr old niece

When will this be over

I can’t step out of my house alone
All my life, I have to live with a fear
But they, they don’t punish those criminals
But object on what I wear!!

There are hundreds of crimes against me
But they don’t care
I’m standing here alone for myself
And those criminals do whatever they dare

I’m harassed everywhere
There is no respect left for me
There is a question I have to ask
When will this be over?

What will these new laws do?
If I’m not safe when I’ve not even entered this world
Those doctors kill me in my mother’s womb
Just because I’m a girl

My parents send me to another home when I marry
Expecting I’ll be safe there
But there, I’m burned for dowry
Money is all about they care

I’m embarrassed everywhere
There is no life left for me
I have a question to ask
When will this get over?

I’m afraid to travel in a public place
Because I’ve seen them throwing acid at her
It ruined her vision
It ruined her face

Are safety laws only made to be written in the constitution?
These enacted laws have made me feel weak
Don’t they require implementation?
All such laws have vanished into thin air

I’m harassed everywhere
There is nothing left for me
I have question to ask
When will this get over?   

Leaders have come and gone
But the safety issues has continued
They make a numbers of promises before the election
But after, they say there’s nothing they can do

Increasing crimes, increasing criminals
But no one finds them punishable
It’s the girls who are punished whose freedom is taken away

Everything seems like a nightmare
There is no one left with me
When will this get over?

 -by Tanya Bala                                                                                                                    

        IX -D

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